Category Archives: Uncategorized
Take Me Home, Country Roads. 5 things to know about my home state.
Twas the night before the state of West Virginia validates itself as a solid component of Hillary’s remaining voter base. That of course being white people who did not go to college (and are probably also racist and will end … Continue reading
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5 things we as Americans have taken for granted…and why it spells trouble for our future prospects for standard of living maintenance.
I had a interesting conversation on the way to school today with one of my close friends with whom I share a lot of social ideals. However, it frustrated me to hear her argue against (and I am stretching and … Continue reading
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5 things we as Americans have taken for granted…and why it spells trouble for our future prospects for standard of living maintenance.
I had a interesting conversation on the way to school today with one of my close friends with whom I share a lot of social ideals. However, it frustrated me to hear her argue against (and I am stretching and … Continue reading
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The good and bad about NYC trips, in 5.
It’s time for me to make my bi to triannual pilgrimage to NYC, otherwise known as “the city” to people from long island or aspiring dbag transplants wearing leather jackets, too much product in their hair, black stilettos, and an accent (authentically … Continue reading
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After seeing Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay last night, I am sure of one thing.
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I really don't like mg/dL. Or reference ranges. I need help. From the internets.
Studying for a lab medicine test is really draining. Straight memorization. My brain needs a break. With that said, here’s five youtube classics I revisited tonight to provide me with the strenff to carry on. 1.Angry German Kid- Whenever I think … Continue reading
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In honor of tomorrow's Pennsylvania Primary, 5 reasons I support "Barry Obama."
After my all night renal GI adventure, I don’t have much energy to introduce this thing, but I felt it necessary to throw out my support for this uhhh…how do you say…ahh…yes…”once in a generation leader.” Though I’m not exactly … Continue reading
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