5 people who really wore out their welcome.
1. Hillary. The ultimate welcome wearer outer. Fuck you Hillary. That's right. Leave. At this point you have entered the zone of Chandlers
fruit shrinking roommate on Friends. We are ALL SICK OF YOU. LEAVE. GO HOME TO YOUR 100 MILLION DOLLARS AND BURY SOME ACORNS.
2. Lisa on this season of top chef- The other reason I had to vent tonight. How the hell is this "no talent ass clown" in the top 4. She has one one challenge by making bacon, has been in the bottom innumerable times, and got a pass on fucking up mango rice while Bordain (whose show I'll never watch again on GP) while they sent home Dale, who the fridge William Perry will tell you, was arguably the best on the show (dale, stephanie, and richard are clearly the class of this season). Top Chef, along with Lost, is one of my favorite shows on TV. But I don't know how much longer I can watch. She better be the next one eliminated...

3. American Idol Season 5 Contestant Bobby Bennett- While most people who watch American Idol would say that
Sanjaya had the longest, most improbable no talent run in show history. Granted, he did make it into the top 10. However, Bobby Bennett's inclusion in the top 24 in season is what got me watching the show in the first place. It has always given me hope that I could win American Idol, and I sound like
Mike Ditka singing the seventh inning stretch. But in all seriousness...
watch this and explain to me how this guy could possibly be one of the 24 amateur singers in America with the potential to be a pop star.
4. President Sieg Howdy- I didn't want to point out the obvious, but any list about staying too long couldn't exclude W.
This video should suffice.
5. Indiana Jones- I started writing about the suckiness of the new indiana jones movie the day I saw it (opening night). However, since boards studying has got me tied up and that entry never got posted I had to get something out there as a warning to those who haven't seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Geriatric Action Stars. That movie really sucked. Wait for it to come out on dvd if you have to watch it. There is really only one good part, and it involves Shia The Beef swinging on vines with monkeys. Anyway...back to boards studying I go.