So the red machine finally hit the big 200k. I meant to take the picture below when it hit 200000 but in the midst of my 31 hour call disaster I forgot. So I took the picture at 200100 this morning. I've been thinking about what to get her for her birthday. Here's what I came up with.
1. A road trip. Cliché yes, but when I bought her, we went cross country from WV to ca. I would love to do it again.
2. Soapy headlights wash. On married with children, al used to go to a place called soapy headlights to get his car cleaned. I'm sure you can imagine what the headlights were.
3. Insurance fraud. I'm not sure what she'd be worth, but I've always wanted to be a white collar criminal for a day.
4. Get her on pimp my ride. I don't know if xzibit is still doing this, but i'd love to have a badminton net come off the side of my truck.
5. Get involved in a driveby. I'm not sure how i'd do this one, but it would leave her with an awesome tattoo. Like that orv in goonies.
If anyone has any ideas send em along. I owe her...

-- Post From My iPhone

-- Post From My iPhone
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