So after two days of realizing I don't know shit about computers and programming...I finally got this movable type blog up and running on the website. The lists of 5. That way you can read a post (theoretically if you aren't real dumb), quickly. I thought about doing lists of 10, but that would take too much work on my part. celebration of the stupid amount of effort that went into setting this bitch up, here's the five things that sucked about setting up a blog.
1. I can't really go into much detail about why they suck, because I don't really understand much of the computer lingo that was on the message boards I was reading. But according to those boards...which were way to numerous for it to be even worth providing a link sucks balls. They aren't compatible with movable type, have awful technical support, and have Dale Jr on the front of their webpage. Needless to say, on Connolly's advice I switched to dreamhost, and within an hour had this thing up and running.
2. Blogging software. How hard is it to make decent blogging software that doesn't require coding to get setup. I don't claim to be a computer genius, but I'm not as bad as a lot of computer users either, and setting up a blog should NOT be this hard.
3. Addiction. I have a pretty big pathology exam on Monday morning and haven't been able to study shit, because I've been addicted to figuring out how to get this blog up.
4.Too many tutorials. I know this should be a good thing, but with so many people offering their 2 cents on how to set up movable type, I didn't know which one to follow. There needs to be a better system of universally rating web content...all types of web content, so this type of thing would be easier. It would also have made it easier to find the Rick Rolling website I searched for yesterday in an embarrassingly botched attempt to Rick Roll my fantasy league. The link is if you are wondering.
5. NBA playoffs. Hard to focus with spurs suns game 1 on in the background. F manu ginobli.
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